Printing Solution (Dampening Solution, Fount Solution)
Leading Japanese environmental technology is adopted.
Product advantages
-Maintaining printing original color owing to lower surface tension, faster dampening and less ink emulsification
-Stable PH with suitable buffer and printing protection substance
-Stabilized liquid phase which is antibiotic and prevents crystallization
-Improving printing quality by easier ink dispersing control, finer and more legible netting, and better 3-dimensional effect
2% or less printing solution is suggested to be used (10% iso-propanol added), which suits printing characteristic of environment friendly soya ink.
The high-end technology product reduces manufacturing cost by 5%-10% saving on ink/power usage and 30% saving on lower price compared to similar product.
Deposit conditions: at normal temperature and in the shade.
Application: alcohol dampening printing only
Package: 25kg per barrel