機械式電能表是全國聯(lián)合設計的感應式交流電能表,用于計量參比頻率為50Hz的三相電網中有功或無功電能。該產品符合國家標準:有功表GB/T17215.311-2008;無功表GB/T15282-1994的要求。DT862/DS862/DX862 series three phase watt-hour meter is a kind of the induction energy meter,It’s applicable to measure active power or reactive power at 50Hz in the three-phase electric grid. DT862 and DS862 active energy meter completely accord with GB/T17215.311.DX862 reactive energy meter completely accords with Gb15282-1994.產品屬性? 計量三相電網中的有功或無功電能;Measure the active and reactive power in the three phase electric grid? 工作溫度范圍-10℃~45℃,相對濕度不超過85%;Working temperature range:-10℃—45℃,Relative humidity not exceeding 85%? 儲存和運輸極限溫度范圍-25℃~70℃;Extre temperature range of stocking and transportantion:-25℃~70℃.? 經20年的生產使用和技術改進,產品性能穩(wěn)定可靠;Stable and relibale in performance.? 軸承與轉盤采用雙寶石雙轉盤結構,電磁部分采用分離形式,性能穩(wěn)定,易于修理;Bearing part adopts double gems structure.The electromagnetic part is separate,which makes it stable in performance and easy to repair.? 電壓線路的有功功耗小于2W和10VA;The active power consumption of the voltage wire net :<1Wand 6VA.? 根據客戶需求可定制雙向計量功能。The two-way measuring function can be designed according to customers’requirement注意事項DT862 3×220/380 1.5(6)、3(6) 2.0 5(20)、10(40)、15(60)20(80)、30(100) 2.0交易說明支持支付寶交易。吳碎湖 137 5787 5640黃佩蕾 136 3420 5620